Noel, Rene2022-11-302022-11-302021 development aims to produce software from computation-independent and platform-independent models that capture domain knowledge. A key knowledge area is business strategy, which impacts the strategic division of business domains, and so on the strategic design of software products. Moreover, agile organisations continuously change their business strategy, affecting multiple software products at the same time. While goal modelling and enterprise architecture initiatives have aimed to align business strategy and information systems, the lack of well-defined modelling procedures and specific business strategy constructs hinder their integration in a model-driven development context. This thesis addresses the design of a model-driven software production method that integrates business strategy knowledge to provide traceability and as much automation as possible from strategic elements to business-driven, modular, and executable models of the information system. Using the design science methodology, the expected contributions are the design of a low-complexity and systematic business strategy modelling method, and a transformation technique to map business strategy knowledge into an existing software production method.Copyright © 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).MODEL-DRIVEN DEVELOPMENTBUSINESS STRATEGY MODELLINGORGANISATIONAL MODELLING.From Strategy to Code: A Model-Drive Software Production MethodArticulo