Torres, RominaGonzález, NicolásCabrera, MathíasSalas, Rodrigo2022-11-302022-11-302021R. Torres, N. González, M. Cabrera and R. Salas, "Taxonomies using the clique percolation method for building a threats observatory," 2021 XLVII Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/CLEI53233.2021.9639945. are increasing every day, demanding that security incident response teams proactively determine potential threats early. Although social networks such as Twitter are a rich and up-to-date source of information where users use to tweet about different topics, it is complex to efficiently and effectively obtain results that support decision-making on a specific subject, such as cyberattacks. Therefore, in this work, we propose to use an offline mining process based on the clique percolation method over a corpus of tweets in order to generate an indexed knowledge base about cyberattacks. Results are promising to observe threats under evolution. Then, to show results properly, we generate an observatory prototype to allow cybersecurity researchers to explore threats over time and space.Taxonomies using the clique percolation method for building a threats observatoryArticulo10.1109/CLEI53233.2021.9639945.