Gonzalez, IvanJiu, LinMoll, Victor H.2021-07-282021-07-282020http://repositoriobibliotecas.uv.cl/handle/uvscl/2223The method of brackets, developed in the context of evaluation of integrals coming from Feynman diagrams, is a procedure to evaluate definite integrals over the half-line. This method consists of a small number of operational rules devoted to convert the integral into a bracket series. A second small set of rules evaluates this bracket series and produces the result as a regular series. The work presented here combines this method with the classical Mellin transform to extend the class of integrands where the method of brackets can be applied. A selected number of examples are used to illustrate this procedure.enDEFINITE INTEGRALSMETHOD OF BRACKETSMELLIN TRANSFORMBESSEL FUNCTIONSAn extension of the method of brackets. Part 2Articulohttps://doi.org/10.1515/math-2020-0062