Chené, André-NicolasBenjamin, Robert A.Ramírez-Alegría, SebastianBorissova, JuraKurtev, RadostinMoni Bidin, ChristianMauro, FrancescoLucas, PhilGuo, ZhenSmith, Leigh C.Gonzalez-Fernandez, CarlosIvanov, Valentin D.Minniti, DanteAnderson, Loren. D.Armentrout, William. P.Gonzalez, DaniloHerrero, ArtemioPeña Ramírez, Karla2022-11-302022-11-302021André-Nicolas Chené et al 2021 ApJ 911 91 have investigated the stellar and interstellar content of the distant star formation region IRAS 17591-2228 (WISE H ii region GAL 007.47+0.06). It is associated with a water maser, whose parallax distance is $d={20.4}_{-2.2}^{+2.8}$ kpc, supported by independent measurements of proper motion and radial velocity. It is projected in the same direction as an extremely red (J−KS ∼ 6 mag) group of stars, and a shell of mid-infrared emission. We qualify the group of stars as a cluster candidate, VVV CL177. Its radius spans between 0farcm45 and 1' and contains at least two young stellar objects with an extreme extinction near ${A}_{{\rm{V}}}\sim 40$ mag. Yet more analysis will be required to determine if it is a real single cluster associated with the water maser. The 13CO emissions at the radial velocity of the maser corresponds to the mid-infrared emission.© 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.STAR CLUSTERSOPEN STAR CLUSTERSYOUNG MASSIVE CLUSTERSYOUNG STELLAR OBJECTSAssessing the Stellar Population and the Environment of an HII Region on the Far Side of the GalaxyArticulo