Weigand, Florian2022-07-212022-07-212020Weigand, Florian (2020). Conflict and Transnational Crime Borders, Bullets & Business in Southeast Asia. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. DOI 10.4337/9781789905205978 1 78990 520 5http://repositoriobibliotecas.uv.cl/handle/uvscl/4611Exploring the links between armed conflict and transnational crime, Florian Weigand builds on in-depth empirical research into some of Southeast Asia’s murkiest borders. The disparate voices of drug traffickers, rebel fighters, government officials and victims of armed conflict are heard in Conflict and Transnational Crime, exploring perspectives that have been previously disregarded in understanding the field.enCRISISINTERNACIONALCONFLICTO ARMADOConflict and Transnational Crime Borders, Bullets & Business in Southeast AsiaLibro