Noel, ReneRuiz, MarcelaPanach, IgnacioPastor, Oscar2022-11-302022-11-302021 Business strategy and intentional factors that drive the information systems development and evolution have been addressed by several conceptual modelling initiatives, mostly from goal modelling and enterprise architecture domains. As agility scales to top executive levels, business strategy becomes adaptive, frequently and objectively assessed, while shapes the structure of the organisation around business capabilities. Problem. On the one hand, modelling several business layer views with EA frameworks to represent business strategy could be a challenging effort under a constantly changing environment. On the other hand, using more lightweight but flexible goal modelling frameworks could hinder the aim of getting well-bounded and repeatable business strategy models. Objective. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of connecting well-defined business strategy models using i* and, by exploiting existing modelling methods and transformation techniques, connect them with business process and information system models, to finally generate the working code of the software product. Contribution. We present an initial approach of a modelling procedure to capture business strategy using i* under an adaptive, agile approach, and show a practical integration with a software production method from requirements to code.CC BY 4.0: Namensnennung 4.0 InternationalBUSINESS STRATEGY MODELLINGORGANISATIONAL MODELLINGMODEL-DRIVEN DEVELOPMENTBeyond Conventional Model-Driven Development: From Strategy to CodeArticulo