Vulcani, BenedettaPoggianti, Bianca M.Moretti, AlessiaFranchetto, AndreaBacchini, CeciliaMcgee, SeanJaffé, Yara L.Mingozzi, MatildeWerle, ArielTomičić, NevenFritz, JacopoBettoni, DanielaWolter, AnnaGullieuszik, Marco2022-11-302022-11-302021 inhabit a wide range of environments and therefore are affected by different physical mechanisms. Spatially resolved maps combined with the knowledge of the hosting environment are very powerful for classifying galaxies by physical process. In the context of the GAs Stripping Phenomena in galaxies (GASP), we present a study of 27 non-cluster galaxies: 24 of them were selected for showing asymmetries and disturbances in the optical morphology, suggestive of gas stripping; 3 of them are passive galaxies and were included to characterize the final stages of galaxy evolution. We therefore provide a panorama of the different processes taking place in low-density environments. The analysis of VLT/MUSE data allows us to separate galaxies into the following categories: galaxy–galaxy interactions (2 galaxies), mergers (6), ram pressure stripping (4), cosmic web stripping (2), cosmic web enhancement (5), gas accretion (3), and starvation (3). In one galaxy we identify the combination of merger and ram pressure stripping. Only 6/27 of these galaxies have just a tentative classification. We then investigate where these galaxies are located on scaling relations determined for a sample of undisturbed galaxies. Our analysis shows the successes and limitations of a visual optical selection in identifying the processes that deplete galaxies of their gas content and probes the power of IFU data in pinning down the acting mechanism.© 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.GALAXIESFIELD GALAXIESGALAXY EVOLUTIONGALAXY FORMATIONGALAXY GROUPSSTAR FORMATIONSTELLAR KINEMATICSGASP XXXIII. The ability of spatially resolved data to distinguish among the diferent physical mechanisms afecting galaxies in low-density environmentsArticulo