Vega, JorgeHuidobro E., Juan PabloGuarda, Francisco J.2022-11-302022-11-302021Vega Jorge, Huidobro E. Juan Pablo, Guarda Francisco J.. Evaluación de la recolección de orina de 24 horas a partir de la creatininuria: fórmulas para estimarla y su rendimiento. Rev. méd. Chile [Internet]. 2021 Feb [citado 2022 Nov 21] ; 149( 2 ): 242-247. Disponible en: excretion is widely used as a method to evaluate the adequacy of urine collection in different clinical settings. Many factors influence its elimination, such as protein intake, exercise, muscle mass, age, and sex, among many others. As 24-hour urine collections can be cumbersome, several equations have been developed to aid clinicians to correctly interpret results derived from them. In this review article, we report the factors that can modify creatinine excretion and we evaluate the accuracy of different published equations to estimate 24-hour urine creatinine excretion.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.CREATININECLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNIQUESDATA COLLECTIONURINEEvaluación de la recolección de orina de 24 horas a partir de la creatininuria: fórmulas para estimarla y su rendimientoArticulo