Adamson, FrankAubry, SylvainMireille de, KoningDorsi, Delphine2022-07-202022-07-202021Adamson, F., Aubry, S.; Koning, M., Dorsi, D. (2021) Realizing the Abidjan Principles on the Right to Education Human Rights, Public Education, and the Role of Private Actors in Education. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 1 83910 603 3 insightful book analyses the process of the first adoption of guiding human rights principles for education, the Abidjan Principles. It explains the development of the Abidjan Principles, including their articulation of the right to education, the state obligation to provide quality public education, and the role of private actors in education.enDERECHOS HUMANOSESTADOEDUCACIÓNRealizing the Abidjan Principles on the Right to Education Human Rights, Public Education, and the Role of Private Actors in EducationLibro